Saturday, June 22, 2013

A few days ago, I purchased chicken thighs. Wasn't quite sure what I was going to make with them. So today, I broke out the trusty slow cooker. This was given to me as a Christmas gift and is perfect for hosting parties.

I was able to have meatballs in one, sauce in another and veggies in the last—and all on different temperature settings! Anyway.....

I just basically opened my spice cabinet on this recipe (made this one up as I went along....all about the scents produced, so nothing is measured):

Chicken thighs
Ginger powder
Ground cloves
Anise seeds
Pumpkin pie spice
Crushed red pepper
Curry powder
Red & yellow lentils
Red & green bell pepper
Garlic cloves

Dumped it all into a pot on the stove for about 10-15 mins and poured into the slow cooker. Not sure how long I will let it cook. It's about 7pm and I will let it cook on high for a few hours and turn it off when I go to bed. I have volleyball in the afternoon, so I will likely let it sit out and let it cook in the morning until it's time to head out. We'll see how this one turns out.

Until then, I'm enjoying my water (one lime, muddled basil and mint leaves and water).

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