Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Muesli For Dinner? It's Possible

So my friends at Olallie Milwaukee offered a handful of us to review gourmet Muesli from Seven Sundays. Check out their website. It's a very good product and really high quality ingredients.

I figured that many folks feel Muesli is more of a breakfast cereal. However, I wanted to try something different and create a side dish with Muesli.

Muesli Stuffing

This is created the same way you'd make homemade stuffing for Thanksgiving; it's just minus the cornbread, substituting Muesli. As this is more along the lines of a real home made dish, a lot of the ingredients were NOT measured, but added according to taste.

Your Base Ingredients

6 Cups of Water
3 Stalks of Celery
1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1/2 Yellow Onion
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh Oregano
Fresh Sage
Fresh Ground Pepper
Sea Salt (to taste)
Cumin (to taste)
12 oz. Package of Seven Sundays Muesli

Yield: 6-8 Servings

  1. Boil the Water
  2. Dice the Celery, Red Bell Pepper, Onion, Rosemary, Oregano and Sage and add to the boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes
  3. Add the spices (salt, cumin and pepper) and stir
  4. Add the package of Seven Sundays Muesli (I had the Ginger Pear Macadamia flavor)
  5. Stir and simmer until most of the water is absorbed then remove from heat
Use the same seasonings as you would for stuffing. I never knew the Muesli would turn out so tasty. Using Muesli made for a very nutty, sweet and hearty stuffing mix of which I may re-make for Thanksgiving this year.

I highly recommend trying something new. As much as I wanted to dump my Seven Sundays Muesli over a bowl of Vanilla Greek Yogurt, add Bananas, Strawberries and a touch of honey, I am glad I had a little bit of Thanksgiving in April!


Steps 1 & 2: Boil the water and add the veggies & herbs

A Healthy Alternative to Traditional Stuffing

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