Monday, September 16, 2013

Congrats to Sun....

...and back to me!

My friend and running buddy, Sun (pronounced "Soon"), was just nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! Very excited for her. Check out her blog, Eat. Host. Run. Style. for excellent running advice, tips for the active woman and funny pictures of Eddie, her cat.

She also nominated my new blog, too! (Thanks, Sun!!)

In her recent post, she asked the below questions of fellow running bloggers. I thought these would be fun to answer. She's only asked for one, however, I'm an over-acheiver.

My questions for these bloggers:

  1. What's the last great book you read and what did you like about it? The last great book I read was Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. Not too cerebral, I know, but it held my attention and left me with the thought of, "What if?" The book I need to get back to, however, is Gangs of New York. It's the historic account of, well, the gangs of old NYC and their epic, violent fights. Pretty good read for a history lesson. My next book is the play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. It's one of the great American classic plays.
  2. Would you rather have to eat an entire cake every time you sit down to eat or never eat cake again? I would rather eat an entire cake every time I had to eat. Cakes and cookies are some of the keys to my survival on this planet. Well, not that extreme, but high up there. And I'd eat the cake after dinner, too. There's always room for dessert......and a 8+ mile run the next day to ward off the effects of the cake!
  3. What's a fashion trend you love - but for whatever reason can't wear? I'd have to say I like bowties, but can't wear one for some reason. Maybe I will try to make them more "me" by adding a regular neck tie with one to give it my fashion slant (this idea is patented with the publication of this blog entry.....meaning, if I see this look/idea on the runways of any country's fashion week by any designer..... :)
  4. If you could only race one distance/do one workout the rest of your life, what would it be? One distance.....would have to the half-marathon. It's just enough to get a really good workout in without completely wiping you out for the remainder of your day.
  5. What's the weirdest way you've ever been hit on? Hmmmm....when I was in grade school, 4th grade, I think, a girl put 75 cents in my back pocket as I was running past her on the playground. That was odd, but it did get after school candy for my brother and me. So, "thank you," to whomever you are, where ever you are.
  6. Do you order the same drink whenever you go out or do you mix things up? Mixing it up, always. I try not to fall into the same thing.
  7. What junk food would you eat if you suddenly learned it was healthy? If I learned french fries were overly healthy, I'd be all over them....on a daily basis
    I think these are the best fries on the planet! 
  8. What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod? Most embarrassing song in the iPod....I have several. Top 3: Mmmm Bop by Hanson, Wannabe by the Spice Girls and Baby One More Time by Britney Spears. I think I'd be embarrassed if these played as my iPod was plugged to a speaker system, but not when I have my earbuds in.
  9. Are you always early, always late, or right on time? Hahahaha. Nine times out of ten, I am running late to be on time! I'm never early unless it's for job interviews, meetings, or anything work related. Otherwise, I'm trying to coast in at the buzzer.
  10. What have you gained through blogging? It's a great outlet for my thoughts. I don't necessarily write these posts to entertain, just to say what's on my mind. Always wanted to be some sort of published writer. This way, I can publish myself with a click and not worry about the real responsibility that comes with having to answer to editors, etc. But if anyone would want to have me start writing for them, I wouldn't object either. (**Please note that any samples can be requested!)
  11. Seize the day or patiently wait? Grab the day by the horns! I have little to no patience when it comes to waiting. I usually drink iced coffee because I don't want to wait for my coffee to cool to a nice drinking temperature. 

I hope you've enjoyed learning a bit more about me. These types of Q&A posts are fun for me. And please check out Sun's blog,  Eat. Host. Run. Style. It's worth the visit!


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