Monday, September 16, 2013

New, quick recipe (perfect for emptying the veggie drawer in the fridge)

Had to lace up a different pair of Asics this weekend and joined friends for an indoor volleyball tournament out of town.

However, before leaving town, I didn't want to come back to ruined produce. Below is a super easy recipe that can be used with any produce. It's healthy and quick:

1. Under that stack of kale is a bunch of veggies: carrots, snap peas, red bell pepper and celery. I recommend cutting the carrots to about 1/8 of an inch thick so they aren't too hard and not too soft as you......

2. Sautee the veggies in a bit of olive oil and cook any type of pasta. Add any spices you enjoy. I am a big fan of cumin and red pepper flakes. But don't over cook the veggies! Make sure they remain brightly colored. The moment their colors start fading, they begin approaching the over cooked stage.

3. Mix with the pasta and enjoy. I added a drizzle of olive oil and dove right into that bowl. Then I looked further in the veggie drawer and discovered...


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